June 18-22, 2025
Youth ages 12-17 will participate in an exciting and challenging four-night adventure to discover the beauty of Lake Tahoe with trail experts. Participants will learn backcountry skills while backpacking between three and six miles per day. Youth will discover and explore the exciting flora, fauna and natural history of the Tahoe Basin and sleep under the stars after cooking their own dinner over a backpacking stove. Each day is jam-packed with new experiences, character-building challenges, and outdoor fun. There is no cost to participate.
Interested Participants, complete this form by April 1st
Please note: completing this interest form does not guarantee a spot on the backpacking trip. El Parkis has been granted space for up to 12 youth. If more than 12 youth have shown interest as of April 1st, participants will be selected via lottery and a waiting list will be operated.
Statement of Understanding
The Tahoe Rim Trail Youth Backpacking Trip involves hiking three to six miles per day, sleeping under the stars, and going four days without cell phone service. By completing this interest form, you acknowledge that your child's mental and physical health are such that spending 4 nights in this wilderness setting is expected to be a positive experience. Departing this trip early is complicated and should only be considered as a last resort. If at any point your child should need to depart before the trip's completion, you as parent/guardian are responsible for picking up your child and bringing them home. Please Note: The TRTA offices are located in Stateline, NV: a 2.5 hour drive from Sacramento.